hide layer when timeline ends - trigger automatically appears

Aug 15, 2014

I created my templates and now am duplicating them to save time. But when I edit an interaction, e.g. a text entry - and add the correct answers and close out of the properties box, suddenly "hide layer when timeline ends" and "jump to next slide when timeline ends" automatically appears on each layer/feedback slide, so I have to go in and manually delete 6 triggers each time. Is there a quick fix for this I am missing? Thx!

13 Replies
Andrew Pulford

Hi Leslie, any update on whether this has been resolved? I get the same thing - any time a question is edited and saved, the triggers reappear on all the feedback layers.

It still occurs in the latest version of Storyline 1 (Update 7). 

I did some testing and can replicate the issue:

It first starts happening if you delete the standard "continue" button on a feedback layer (i.e to use a custom continue button). Then edit the question and save. The triggers will appear.

If you just edit the design of the standard continue button, the triggers don't appear so I guess that is the best way to create a custom continue / try again button. Is there an option to save edits to a button as a style that could easily be applied, or to set the button style on the feedback master template?


Matt Lang

Hi - I am having a similar issue in SL2. Working on a module translation and Storyline has seemingly added "hide layer when the timeline ends" and "jump to next slide when timeline ends" triggers to all the feedback layers (both "correct answer" and "incorrect answer") of all my quiz questions, which is nearly 100. So that's like 400 triggers I have to go through and manually delete, unless someone has some helpful advice. It'd be nice if SL2 had all the bugs worked out before we were charged so much money for it.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Matt,

Within Storyline 1, users saw this occur if they had removed the triggers that are automatically created and then had gone to "Edit question" again using the button to do so - is that what you're seeing in Storyline 2 or are they being re-added in some other way? I haven't seen this reported in Storyline 2 yet, so I'd want to try going through your exact steps to replicate this. 

The default is that they'll appear on the creation of a quiz question - so if that's when you're seeing them, then yes you'll need to remove them as you create the quiz questions. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Matt,

Yup - as that would essentially be editing the question which is when they got added in within Storyline 1. I just tried editing a question in Storyline 2 - to change the text and I can't get the triggers to be readded. Do you have a sample file you could share so I could try on yours and see if it's something specific? 

Matt Lang

Hi Ashley - I'll have to check with my boss as I don't think I should share the file without permission, but I've played around with it and found what's happening. It's when you edit the quiz question answers in the form view. If I edit the "correct" answer there, it adds the timeline triggers to the "correct" layer. If I edit the "incorrect" answer, it adds the timeline triggers to the "incorrect" layer. It seems that if I edit on the layers themselves rather than in the form view, the triggers don't get added.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Matt,

What I'm still confused about is editing the answer on the layer itself or only seeing the change on the layer? If you'd prefer or are able to share the information privately you could send me a sample file here. On the second page of that link you can record a screen recording to show me how you're editing it. If you're able to replicate this consistently, even making a sample file (without any of your proprietary content in it) would help me to follow the steps you've taken to see this in SL2. 

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