How can I get learners to type in the correct input

Jul 22, 2019

Myself and my colleagues have been spending a lot of time trying to add the correct triggers to force learners to add the correct text and or numeric values to our elearning and assessments.  Can anyone help us please?

12 Replies
Jerry Beaucaire

For TEXT entry, the "easiest" will always be an array of drag and drop choices (IMO).  So much less work to setup.  And you can create enough options to choose from that it is still difficult if that is the goal.

For NUMERIC, that's less troublesome.  The numeric entry box is easy and you can simply set the slide to loop until they submit the correct answer.

Linda Welch

Hi Jerry, thank you for this, unfortunately the drag and drop solution won't work for this elearning and assessment, the learners need to type the correct information into the boxes.  I am sure there is a way we can do this, I just don't know the correct triggers to use!

Thank you for the numeric answer, how would I set the slide to loop?

Many thanks for your help with this.

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