How to identify projects created using particular version of Storyline

Jun 29, 2018


Is there a way to identify list of projects which are published through a particular version of Storyline ? I can see that meta.xml has the version information. But is there any other way to do this more efficiently to identify a group of projects from complete list of projects in server ?. I have to identify these projects to re-publish them with updated storyline version. So I need this info. Kindly let me know.


Suganth Kumar

1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Suganth and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

I typically look in the output files and right-click on the story file to open with NotePad.

Take a look at this quick Peek video demonstrating.

I'm not sure if there is a more efficient way to identify a group of published projects though. Hopefully someone in the community will chime in with an idea :)

Hope that helps!

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