How to set up for long/scrolling html5 content?

Apr 28, 2016

I'd like to present via scrolling pages of text/images/video - like a typical web site. What is a good setup for story size and player? I tried setting 2000 height and that resulted in scaling down the content down to fit my screen.

5 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Jeff -- Thanks for reaching out and my apologies if I am not clear on what you are asking, but have you had a chance to take a look at this information on Adding Scrolling Panels? You may also want to check out this info on Choosing a Story Size. Or perhaps others will have recommendation they are able to share, as well. :)

Jeff Alan

Thanks so much. I think I've found Storyline works the way I want just by setting the story size and some player things. I can now set up scrolling without having to use the scrolling panels. I have another newbie question:  Is there a slide alignment setting? For example, if I want slide content to be center aligned even when I resize the browser is there a way to do that?

Thanks again,


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