How to track quiz progression (not accuracy) when questions are a) randomized and b) the draw is only of 5 of a total of 13?

Oct 27, 2022

Hello Colleagues, I'm in a pickle and would appreciate help.  I have created the tracker on the master question slide with 5 states (20% through 100% completion rates).  I've created a true/false trigger (IsQuestion1Drawn) for each question (all 13) which is false by default.  Then, in each question I added a trigger that states that the state of the progress bar will change if one of the questions in the bank are visited.  The result is that after the first question, the meter shows all 5 questions completed.  What am I doing wrong or not doing? My triggers on the master slide look like this.  Thank you for any help you are able to furnish.  

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