I have a problem with sound in storyline

Feb 26, 2016

Dear all,

In some computor, the volum file publish and file in LMS is so low. Ortherwide, the volume of youtube video is normal.

The problems happen in one computer, other computers is fine.

Please, show me the reason and how can I fix it.

Thank you very much for your time

2 Replies
Praveen Dixit

Hi Thu,

I think this is not the problem regarding SL 2. It happens because every machine may be different hardware, version of software etc. It affects on everything even the same configuration of a machine we using still minor technical things matter on the audio, video etc.

I think someone who's dealing with this thing daily like your IT guy who maintains your Computers he will provide more information than me or he will solve your problem.




Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Thu,

If you wanted to see the minimum system requirements you could take a look here.  I'd agree with Praveen that if it's inconsistent across your users you may want to look at how they're accessing it first and confirm that they're doing so using the supported browsers and setups described there. 

Let us know if you have any other questions! 

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