Importing a PowerPoint project into storyline and applying a storyline theme

May 12, 2016

Please can you tell me the best way to apply a storyline theme to an imported PowerPoint project? I've set up master slides that I want to apply to the imported PowerPoint slides. However when I click in a slide, I go to design and apply the layout to all the slides, it doesn't move the text box positions to the correct places, update the fonts or apply the theme. It just adds insert text box placeholders over the course instead of actually moving the text box to where it should be. 

I think I am asking too much of articulate storyline but I just wanted to know if there is some way to quickly update the imported PowerPoint course to the theme I had set up in storyline???

14 Replies

Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate it however I had read these threads. The one is talking about using the imported PowerPoint presentation theme in storyline. The other mentions that you can just apply a theme to the imported slides. I have tried the second option and it only partly worked. It applied the theme in terms of putting the new theme on the slide but it overlays where the text box should be rather than moving the text box to where it should be. SO I just wanted to check what the best way to work from here is. Do I have to go to each and every slide and copy and past the heading into the correct place and the body text into the correct place or is there a way to just do a couple of these in the slide master somehow and then apply that slide master to the rest of the slides? In addition when I say to apply the correct font to all the slides it doesn't change anything.

Any tips from here would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

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Anne England


I'm currently having problems applying my destination Storyline theme to imported Storyline slides. We've done a re-design (as well as a major content review) on a client's project and I need to import large numbers of slides from their original Storyline quizzes into a new one. However, when I import the files they don't take on the new designs but come in with their own masters. I've been applying the destination layouts manually, slide by slide, including the feedback layers, and this is taking a LONG time. Am I doing something wrong?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anne,

Nope - not doing anything wrong. That's expected as you're pulling in the slides and any accompanying masters into the project you're working on so you'll need to make the updates to them manually as Storyline is respecting what you had previously set it up with. Typically because of that we recommend starting a design/template and then building slides based on that - but understandably that can't happen in every scenario so you'll need to look at adjusting them using the "right click " option to change the lay out.

Anne England

Hi Ashley - thank you for your reply. That's unfortunate, as I have to change the design four times for each slide: once for the base layout, and three times for the feedback slides. Articulate might be respecting the previous masters, but is not respecting the original colour of the buttons on the slides I'm importing (although it is correct both on the import file and on the theme of the new file). This colour is part of the client's corporate suite so I have to change it three times for every slide too! Obviously this is very labour-intensive, and I have to do the same for three more quizzes. An option to 'use destination formatting' would have been useful! You may be thinking 'use format painter', but that's not always behaving as it should either. This has been one of the issues  that we've been experiencing as part of the ongoing master slide formatting problem that's been taking up a lot of forum time!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anne,

Are the buttons a part of the masters or on the slide itself? If you're importing in a project and just the button color is changing, it sounds like that is going based on the color theme you may have set up within that Storyline file, as your theme controls elements such as button defaults which again you can always manually change.  Since I'm unclear on the button set up here, are you able to share a copy of the two .story files so that I could look at importing them as well? 

Anne England

Hi Ashley. Thanks for your reply. The buttons were on the masters in both cases. However, I've checked back with the import file and - although the buttons on the masters are the correct colour - somehow they're different on the actual slides. I deleted a feedback slide on one of the questions and recreated it after setting the default button colour, and it was correct. These import files are themselves created from imports (I think during the changeover from SL1 to SL2) so I think there's some sort of formatting hangover from the past that's been carried through (I seem to remember having the same problem during the original imports). Despite the masters being correct, I can't get the buttons on the actual slides to change, except manually, so either I have to do it on the original import files, or after they've been imported into the new file. Either way, it's a lot of work - but I wonder if it's a problem I've created for myself sometime in the past?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anne,

It's hard to say with that description, especially if there are earlier files and master slides that were used to start this import in Storyline 1 and then into Storyline 2 as well. I could see how if they all had different theme colors and masters in play that it could create a lot of confusion in regards to what was importing and how it was playing on your end. With the import file, are you seeing the new version showing the colors as on the master or on the individual slide view, or entirely different once imported in? 

Anne England

Hi Ashley

On the import files, the wrong colour is showing on the slides themselves, not the masters. However, I've checked through all the import files I'll be using and only one other has the wrong colours. As I suspect this is something historical to do with older imports, I think I'll just live with this and change the slides individually. However, an option to use destination formatting rather than preserving the original formatting would be a good feature to have!

Another point about importing: the files I'm bringing in are split up into question groups (essentially, several different quiz banks). They're all using the same masters, so why do they all bring their own set of masters with them when I import? After applying the new layouts following import, I had to delete 11 sets of identical masters!


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

I think you're probably right in terms of the historical set up and multiple imports. Definitely a valuable feature and something to share with the team! Also, just in case you didn't have it - you can also always share feature requests here. 

Are all those question banks in the same .story file? Or you're importing them from their own files? If they're all their own files, the masters are going to get treated separately and therefore imported again. If they're all in the same file and you do the import of the entire set of banks into Storyline that should just import one set of masters - but if you were to do them piecemeal, Storyline isn't reading that the master already got importing - but is just pulling it again based on the questions you're importing. 

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