Is there a way to time responses to a question?

Nov 14, 2016

How do I go about timing from when a question slide shows up to when they respond

2 Replies
Ali Goulet

Hi Ivan,

Thanks so much for reaching out here! There isn't a built-in way to accomplish this in Storyline but you're more than welcome to share this feature idea with our Product Development team by way of this form.

If you host your course using Articulate Online, it will track the duration your users spent viewing the full course content but it's not per individual slide. 

I'll have to defer to the community on possible ways to accomplish a set-up like this or this kind of tracking capability but I would recommend also reaching out in our Building Better Courses forum. It's a fantastic melting pot of great design ideas and tips as well as folks with a wealth of instructional design knowledge and expertise! 

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