Issues with Triggers with BlockBusters Template

Jan 26, 2016

I recently downloaded the Blockbusters template to use as a 'review game' for a terminology assessment.

After creating my own questions, the game does not behave correctly.  I rebuilt the triggers but that did not resolve the issue.  The main issue is that the layers do not load when the block is clicked.  Do the triggers need to be in a specific order for the board to work correctly?

Any other feedback/information would be helpful!  Thanks!


4 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Gary

I downloaded the Blockbusters template and I can see in the first few triggers that you appear to be missing one of the resume timeline triggers - not sure if that is an issue.

Original on the left  - your's on the right.

I would match the triggers line by line with the original to troubleshoot.


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