Layering problem in storyline

Oct 08, 2014

Good day everyone.

Urgent help please..

I'm in a bit of problem regarding layering in storyline. What I want to happen is, when I click the button (question 1 button), a layer with question will pop out with another button (answer button). And once the answer button was click another layer will pop out. When another button was click (question 2 button) a layer will pop out. but when I go back to question 1 button, a layer with question (answer button) will pop out instead of the one with answer (without answer button)

What I want to happen is, once the answer button was click eve if you go back to the that layer you won't see the answer button anymore.

Hope someone understand.


Thanks in advance

10 Replies
Emily Ruby

Hello Teejay!

You can add a trigger to to the question button to show the answer layer (1-copy etc.) on condition that the button's state is "Visited"

Attached is your file with an update. I added this new trigger to question 1 and 2 buttons only. First time they show the question layer, if you click again they will show the answer layer.

Hope this helps.

Emily Ruby

Hello Teejay!

You would need to add in variables to get the answer to not show if the user has not clicked on the Next button yet.

Attached is an updated file with a variable added to the buttons. (This was only added to Question 1 and 2 buttons)

Here is information on triggers and variables as well.

See if this works for what you need.

teejay jazareno

Joanna Kurpiewska said:

ooops. Here's the missing example

Thank you Joanna

But there is something wrong with the trigger when I finish q1 and go to other button q4 for example. When I go back to q1 it shows the wrong layer. It shows the layer with answer button, but the answer button is just hidden.


teejay jazareno

Emily Burnett said:

Hello Teejay!

You would need to add in variables to get the answer to not show if the user has not clicked on the Next button yet.

Attached is an updated file with a variable added to the buttons. (This was only added to Question 1 and 2 buttons)

Here is information on triggers and variables as well.

See if this works for what you need.


THANK YOU SO MUCH EMILY for the inks and the sample. This really helps me a lot. Finally!

Cheers. Thanks again.

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