learners engaging collaboratively with storyline projects

Oct 19, 2017

There seems to be heaps of material out there about designers working collaboratively on storyline projects but what about learners engaging collaboratively?  This is a key part of my on-line teaching and I use "nearpod" because I find that storyline doesn't offer enough options for learners to collaborate.  I would be very keen to hear what others are doing using storyline 360

2 Replies
Michael Anderson

I've worked on a little of this in the past, and one day I'll get around to creating a little demo. One way to accomplish this would be to build in the collaboration part yourself, using an online database or Google Sheets as a back-end to store you users' information. Another, potentially much easier, way to do this would be to find or create a web page that has all of the collaboration functionality, and embed it into your project as a Web Object. There are probably other options out there, and I'd also love to hear what others have come up with.

What kind of collaboration were you looking to create?

Sharon Smith

Hi - I have just come across this page as I am looking at ways to incorporate learner collaboration.  I am looking at the web object option but the firewall in my work area does not allow the web object to open in a frame so need to open a separate tab.  I see issues with this eg learners forgetting to go back to the course or getting distracted and moving away from the learning.  I am currently thinking of using Yammer for a discussion arena.  I am not technological so any simple options would be appreciated. 

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