Looking to use Storyline in a rather untraditional manner and I'm hoping for advice / direction

Mar 15, 2019

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to help a local library out who has been tasked to monitor their study space. Essentially they'd like to track which seats are being utilized and general description on how it's being utilized.

I've been provided with a bird's eye floor plan (created in powerpoint) of the study space with each seat identified (there's about 30 seats).

Do you think there's a solution in Storyline that can assist them in tracking?

This is what I'm envisioning. I wonder if it's possible.

Use the bird's eye floor plan as a background. Overlay buttons over each seat. When the button is pressed a layer is triggered (probably a separate layer would be required for each seat). that layer would have a short selection of options (buttons?). (ie. person reading, person studying, person working in a group) when the option that is pressed the answer is recorded somehow. Once surveying is completed, all selections are aggregated into a single page or exported (a very nice to have is if it's exported in a way that can be inputted into a spreadsheet).

Giving this idea some thought I wonder if there's a solution in using survey questions and aggregating survey results? I may have access to a scorm compliant LMS if that helps.

I haven't used Articulate Storyline for a while now, but I"m a fast learner and any general advice would be welcomed/helpful.

8 Replies
Michael Ambech

Hi Julio,

I think it might work. It is possible to extract variables and text entries into a pdf. I've used this guide to create a certificate. It can be used for anything really, and I think it could work for your idea too.


I envision this: Every time a user clicks a button for a seat and chooses a study method, the relative variable goes 1 up. By the end you extract your study methods and their related variables and voila. Is that what you are thinking of?

You need to have a bit of knowledge regarding javascript though.



Julio P

Hi Michael. Thanks for taking the time to think this through. I'm going to tackle your suggestion slowly as I'm not apt with javascript. I do see a potential solution here. The one limitation that I see in it's current form is that the final score is tabulated, where in my idea I would have liked to see individual responses. So something along the lines:

Question 1: Seat 1
Answer: A. Studying Along

Question 2: Seat 2
Answer: C: Studying in Group

Question 3: Seat 3
(there was no user seated in seat 3 so it was not being utilized)

Question 4: Seat 4
Answer: B: Reading reference book

Thanks again



Crystal Horn

Hi Julio! It looks like Michael is giving you some great assistance here.

I wanted to mention that each slide in Storyline can handle one "quiz" interaction. Each of your questions/seats would need to be an individual slide for Storyline's normal quizzing features to send this information to your learning management system.

Julio P

Foremost, I’d like to thank everyone to take the time and effort to offer solutions/advice.

I reviewed the solution of having the data from the survey automatically sent to a .csv file hosted on our servers. Unfortunately, I discovered yesterday that our servers are protected against this type of behaviour and prevents this solution from working. I'm currently investigating purchasing server space in order to facilitate this build, but because we are a lowly library, I'm going to continue to investigate a free solution (which is a shame, because the data sample looked really clean and ideal).

I'm hoping to replicate the behaviour you suggested, but instead of exporting to csv file, I'd like to have it export to a google sheets document. I've found this step-by-step solution that I got to partially to work.


After I submit questions I see a field of data populate on the google sheet for every question in my build, so there seems to be communication between the module and google sheets, but I can't seem to send the question name or the response. The step by step guide asks that I populate variables into the javascript, but I don't what variable would co-relate to the individual questions. Do you think I'll have to create these variables? If I do, any suggestions on how I should structure these?


Michael Ambech

Hi Julio,

You would have to create the variables and then use them throughout the course. I'm training in Germany at the moment, so I can't supply you with a meaningful script until next week :-( 

Great that you got Google sheets working though. I don't know if this will work, but powerbi might be able to visualize your sheet in a meaningful way. Give it a try. It's free.



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