Motion paths starting too early?

Mar 11, 2020

Hi there, 

I would like all the money to fly in. 

Then I would like a hand to appear on the £2 coin and demonstrate dragging it to the £2 square.

However, I can't stop the £2 from moving down the straigh motion path twice. 

Motion Path

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

4 Replies
Jeff Forrer

Hello, Walt is right, I was thinking the same, when you create a motion path on an object, it automatically creates a default trigger, so you more than likely want to remove that or associate the action to the "When" and "Object" desired. 

Also, I see all of your objects are named "Picture" on your timeline, I would suggest naming these to a unique name for each so you can keep track of what path is associated with which object.

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