Multiple Objects to Check on Single Page - Each Object to Be Graded

Oct 30, 2014


I am using Storyline 1, and I am trying to create a single page with multiple types of objects to be corrected (hotspot, text entry, and checkbox) and graded. I have tried following the example here:

however, I could not seem to setup the text entry variable properly as I could not set the correct text. Would appreciate any assistance with this. Thanks.

26 Replies
Mike Enders

Hi Angelo,

Can you explain your approach to this slide a bit more?  I downloaded it, but am not sure how you're going to implement the various question types.  Also, do be aware that with Jeanette's example, it's an all or none type of response.  Either the entire slide is correct, or they get an incorrect response.  You can't have multiple questions on a single slide.  





Angelo Agujo

Hi Mike,

Was afraid of that... For each line on the page, you would click an
incorrect word (if there was an incorrect word), then put the replacement
word on the blank. If there is no error, then click on the check mark.

Perhaps the alternative way is to highlight a line on the page and submit
the line as an object?


Angelo Agujo


Even if I did split this into multiple questions by submitting the passage
line by line, I would still need to submit either a:
(1) combination of hotspot and text input; or
(2) a check mark.

Is there any way to do that? The (2) check mark would be easy as there are
only two instances of this in the passage. I suppose the problem now is
really isolated to enabling the trigger and conditions for (1). If you got
the hotspot correct, but not the text input, is it possible to get half the
credit for the item and vice-versa?


Mike Enders

Hi Angelo,

If you do it line by line, then I could see this working.  It still might require a little trickery to get the different point options.  

Could you walk me through this from the learner's perspective?   So the learner needs to click the incorrect word, and then type in the correction?  (or click the check box if they think it is correct)?


Mike Enders


Ultimately, you'll need to decide how you wish to score the potential combinations.  For example, does typing in the correct response (but not clicking the word) garner more points than doing just the opposite?  You'll need to set your conditions to account for whatever possible outcomes you might run into.  For example, what if the use clicks the wrong word (versus simply not clicking the correct word) and then types in the correct answer?  That could be another potential scoring choice that you'd want to account for.  So you could, theoretically, consolidate if all of your potential conditions are still met.  But again, that's what you'll have to think through.


Mike Enders


To answer your specific my example, if you consolidate the change state for 2 and 3  (so get rid of rectangle 3) with an "or" statement (change state of rectangle 2 to selected if state of oval is not selected or textentry is not equal to grasp) what happens if neither of the conditions are met?  

In essence you're saying, if they don't select the correct word or they don't type in the correct text, then mark rectangle two as selected.  But the reality is that they've gotten it completely wrong which should be rectangle 4 (completely incorrect).

I hope this makes sense!


Angelo Agujo

Hi Mike,

Thanks for sending a workable solution. I tried replicating your solution
but running into several issues:

- Unlike your solution, I find my selection ovals as toggles and I can
make multiple selections; where should I look to limit the selection oval
to one active oval at a time (like yours)
- Next, I find that my version has problems with going to the next item
unless I get the item correct. Where should I look so that even if I make a
mistake, I can continue answering the next item (currently I get a message
that says I need to answer the question first, so I am sure I am messing up
the triggers)

Am really sorry for having to refer this so many times, but I am having a
headache with all these triggers and conditions :(


Mike Enders

Hi Angelo,

No need to feel sorry.  This is the fun stuff!  Once you get this figured out, the world is your oyster!  ;)

1. You'll want to assign all of your oval shapes for a particular question to a button set.  A button set only allows one item to be selected at a time.  To add the items to a button set, select all of the ovals, right click and select "Button set".  You'll then assign them to a set, or create a new set for the question. As the name implies, this feature is often used for buttons.  But really, it can apply to just about any set of items.

2. Yeah, if you're getting the question not answered feedback, chances are your triggers are doing something odd.  First place to look is to make sure that your triggers fire in the correct order.  The submit interaction trigger (without any of the conditions) should be the last trigger (on the bottom of the list).  If that fires first, you'll get the error.

Please feel free to load a slide where you're seeing this issue and we can check it for you!




Angelo Agujo

Hi Mike,

Just wanted to thank you for your help so far... I think I am getting the hang of it thanks to your patience and guidance.

Just wanted to confirm a few things though:

1. Will I need to rename objects when I duplicate a slide? I did this for my two slides and now they work, but wanted to confirm if I needed to do this...

2. Is there a way for me to setup the free form questions so that I just save my answer per question first, and only submit on a submit button on the last question? Essentially this means that I should be able to go back to previous questions, and change my answer/s, until the time I actually submit. I seem to remember in Quizmaker that you could answer questions continuously and revise your answers as needed until you click on a Submit button at the end?

3. Lastly, I notice the order of the triggers are critical in ensuring an error-free experience. Does it make sense to actually start from the complete error first and work my way down to the correct answer? This seems to be the case with my example.

This is where I am at so far - attached is my current working file. :)

Thanks for guiding me all this time.



Mike Enders

Hi Angelo,

1. You shouldn't have to rename objects on each slide.  But obviously, you'd adjust the triggers for the correct object that they click and or words they're typing in.

2. To make this happen, you'll need to remove the submit button and use the prev next buttons as described here.  However, this particular question design requires that we trigger the state change on those off screen rectangles.  So what you'll want to do is switch your triggers off of the submit button and tie them to when the user clicks the next button instead.  

3. I'm not sure what you mean by this.  But I did notice that you're only using a correct (10 pts) versus incorrect (0 pts) dynamic.  In this case, you only need two rectangles and two triggers. One trigger to select the correct rectangle if the two conditions are met and one to select the incorrect rectangle if the conditions are not met.


Angelo Agujo

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the advice re using two triggers. I have removed the unnecessary triggers and these are working fine. 

When setting up the Previous and Next buttons, I find that if I answer the 1st slide, click Next, then answer the 2nd slide, then click Previous -the 1st slide's oval response disappears but the text entry response and check box will remain. From the 1st slide,  when I click Next again, the 2nd slide's answers remain the same.

What am I missing? 

Mike Enders


The file you attached isn't the updated version with the triggers on the prev/next buttons.  However, here's a quick issue to check:

What happens if you set the slide properties to resume saved state.  Does that correct the issue? 

Click on the gear icon to the right of the base layer name and in the "When revisiting" drop down list, select "resume saved state"

Mike Enders

Hi Angelo,

And it's odd because it won't let that trigger be deleted.  But yes, that's one of the issues present. I'd switch it to a different trigger type so it's something that won't impact the design.  Like, add a hot spot off screen and then trigger it to do something (which will never happen since it's off screen).

Also, on your third question...I'm curious as to why you have a submit button here, but not on the other slides?  




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