My Mulitple response question isn't working - Help :(

Mar 22, 2016



I've been racking my brains as to why this interaction isn't working. Any help would be amazing.

So even if the leaner clicks the correct question the results slide still displays a score of 0%.

I have attached the file. Hopefully I'm not just being dumb!


5 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Sarah 

im on a train so don't have access to open your story file but a few things to check.

    • the result slide options - are the quiz questions/question bank selected
    • the result slide -  are the triggers using the correct variables result score points & results pass points 
    • the question slides all have a correct response/s selected


Darren Heath

Hi Sarah,

I checked your file and made a note of what the correct choices were on each slide.

Checked the relevant boxes, submitted and scored 0%

Then I rechecked your file, and realised that each quiz slide had 'shuffle answers' selected.

I unselected this option, previewed the quiz again, selected the right answers and got 100%

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