New Quiz Results Slide

Feb 12, 2021

I am having issues with a results slide for an imported game. It worked great in an old project, but since the Jan update, the results slide states "unassigned" in the Success and Failure values.  I have looked into the Design and do not have a clue what to do. Can anyone help, please. 

1 Reply
Judy Nollet

Hi, Lynda,

In essence, a Results slide is attached to the items in the original course. When you import it into another project, it doesn't recognize those same items in the new environment. 

You could try just editing the "unassigned" part of the triggers so they know where to go in the new environment.

Otherwise, try inserting a new Results slide. That will create the necessary scoring variables needed within that course. Then copy/re-create the look and the functionality from the imported one.