Next button is not enabling

Apr 24, 2021

Hi, I need your help regarding interactivity in Sl 360. I set up the player next button to disable when the timeline starts. I want to unable next button when all 3 options are visited. I tried different triggers and variables but can not figure them out. I want to know the reason behind this problem and the solution as well.


Please check the attachment below and help me.


1 Reply
Judy Nollet

Hi, Hamza,

Your trigger that enables NEXT when the characters have been visited works. I could see the button quickly enable when I clicked the third character. However, when I returned to the character-menu slide, the trigger that disables NEXT executed again, which is why it ends up disabled.  (FYI: There's a bug, so that trigger will re-execute even if you set the slide to Resume Saved State when revisiting.) 

To fix it, you need to use variables and conditions to completely control when NEXT is disabled and enabled.

Here's a post that describes one way to do this:

Note: If you scroll down, there's a comment that links to a sample file.