Next button wont work!

Jun 05, 2019

Hi there!

Can someone help me? I have a screen with multiple product pictures on it. The user is to click each picture to view the information. However, my next button is appearing on the last layer and not on the landing page with all the product pictures. I've tried using variables, attaching the next button to states etc., but I cant get it to work at all. I've attached 2 slides for your review. Help!

p.s. I'm in Storyline 3.

4 Replies
Mike DiFonzo

Not sure what you mean next button is appearing on last later and not on product page. The base layer has trigger that resumes timeline. When was it paused?

Trigger disables Next button at timeline start but I didn't see anywhere where state changed to Normal (only hidden) so that they can click on it.

Your variable Jumpplayer1 never changes. It doesn't add +1 since you have the trigger set on the base layer when checkmark state changes to normal. You have the change state to normal on the other layers. You need to put the variable trigger and the corresponding condition of state change on the same layer. Or just adjust the variable at timeline end of the layer.

Something is odd. When you insert reference %Jumplayer1% on slide it displays 0. It never changes. I see a resume timeline but did you pause it somewhere? 


Michael Anderson

I think at this point i may have too many triggers in there. I tried too many things. But at the end of the day I need the next button to return to normal on the product page. The user clicks clicks each product and a layer pops up with more info on that product. The user then clicks the "x" to return to the product page. When all products are viewed, the next button should appear and they can move on to a new slide. Any ideas on how to make this possible?

Thorsten H.

Hi Michael,

thanks for delivering the story file. I modified it and now the NEXT button is disabled as long as not all 6 products have been viewed.

After the last product has been viewed and the user closes the product detail page (layer) the NEXT button is finally released and clickable.

I created 6 variables. One for each product. All set to false initally. 

Then I set up a trigger that sets the NEXT button on Normal if all 6 triggers are TRUE. So if all products have been visited.

I hope that this was your goal.



P.S.: Be aware that i have removed a few triggers.

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