Not random question from Quiz from question bank in html5

Sep 30, 2013


Some time ago, i've reported that the retry button does not work in html5 when using questions banks. 
After the 3rd update i've read that was corrected and it works but the random still not working.
In flash works fine but in html5 the random will work onlye the first time, after that stops working and gives the questions in the same order.

Any way to solve this?


34 Replies
Teg Negi

I am having the same issue in SL2. The HTML5 version do not randomize the questions from question bank when a user retakes the quiz. 

If this has been fixed in the latest SL2 update then please let me know if I have to uninstall the current version (Update 10—Build 1607.1221) and reinstall the updated one (Latest version: Update 11, Build 1609.3020). Or can I just press the update option in SL2 and the software gets updated.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Teg,

It looks like the issue that was fixed in Storyline 2 Update 5 was "Fixed issue where a questions draw would be randomized even if you chose not to randomize it", which is not the issue you're seeing. 

There is a known issue that is still in the hands of our QA team where the same questions are shown when retaking a quiz if the following conditions are true: 

  • The questions are stored in a question bank. 
  • The question draw is randomized. 
  • You're viewing the HTML5 version of the course. 

I'll be sure to add your experience to the report, and we'll update this thread once we have more information to share.

Teg Negi

Hi Team

Could any one from support suggest by when we can have this bug fixed in Articuate?

We are at the moment developing certain courses and this question randomization in HTML5 output is critical functionality. 

We have our go live in April 1 st week. If the bug can be fixed earlier then its good we can quickly republish out output. Else we may have to think of alternate solution.


Alyssa Gomez

Hey Teg,

I’m really sorry that I don't have a timeline for when this issue will be fixed. We're careful about testing new updates to make sure we don't put other features at risk, and I don't want to commit to a date before we have a fix finalized. You're in the right place, and we’ll share as much as we can, as soon as we can!

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