Notes tab – Misaligned left margin

Jun 01, 2015

In Storyline 2, the body text is not aligned with the heading text in the Notes tab. In Storyline 1, the left margin is aligned between the heading and the body text, and therefore appears much neater. See image below which uses Arial 11pt font. 

Is there a reason why the appearance has been changed from Storyline 1? Is it possible for this to be fixed in the next update of Storyline 2?

Misaligned left margin

5 Replies
Kuriko A

Hi Ashley, 

You may not have noticed but the other thread is for a different issue. 

This issue relates to the left margin on the Notes tab.

Christie's suggested workaround has no effect on this left margin issue. Please refer to the image below. The left margin is still misaligned even when Storyline's default font is in use. 

Notes tab margin

Can you please acknowledge this separate issue and let me know if this has been reported to the QA team? Thanks. 


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