Object State Problem

Jun 08, 2024


In the example file, I created 2 objects in Slide Master, and added some conditions. The problem is the conditions only work if the initial state of the objects are set to Hidden.  I don't understand why  it can change from Hidden to Normal, but not from Normal to Hidden. Do you have any idea? Thank you.

3 Replies
Judy Nollet

I can't see why the trigger doesn't work for the object with the Initial state of Normal. You might want to submit a case to the Articulate staff: Contact Support for Help with Any Articulate E-Learning Course Development Software

In the attached file, both objects have their Initial state as Normal. I changed the triggers to run when the timeline starts, using the same conditions. I also added an "Else" action. See if that meets your needs.

Fuji Huynh

To Judy Nollet

That's strange. Based on your example, in order to make it to work as the way I expected, I should use trigger to set the state of the objects instead of using the state editing mode. I'll contact Articulate staff regarding to this. Thank you, Judy for the example and suggestion.

Steven Benassi

Hi Fuji!

Glad to see Judy has been helping you!

I noticed that you've also opened a support case and connected with my colleague, Mcgem. It looks like Mcgem replied to your e-mail with follow-up questions and insight into this behavior.

We can continue troubleshooting through your case to keep all information in one spot.