Pass custom value to in built xApi statements

Apr 08, 2024


I am currently working on passing custom values to articulate xApi-published content. I want to pass a custom value (ex: courseId = 15) to in-built xApi statements when actors interact with content. I was able to pass a custom parameter with the launch URL according to this article, Configure Launch URL
So I added a custom parameter like below and thought that value would be added to the generated xApi statements.




But when I checked the xApi statements in LRS, there wasn't anything related to my custom parameters.
So I want to know if there is anything I am missing or what I am doing wrong. How can I set custom values to store in the built-in XAPI statements?

6 Replies
Dilshan Samaraweera

Hi Phil,

Yes, I am currently using the 'Execute JavaScript' trigger to get value from URL.

// Function to get parameter from URL
function getParameterByName(name, url) {
    if (!url) url = window.location.href;
    name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
    var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
        results = regex.exec(url);
    if (!results) return null;
    if (!results[2]) return '';
    return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));

// Retrieve courseId parameter from the URL
var courseId = getParameterByName('courseId');

// Set the courseId value to a Storyline variable
var player = GetPlayer();

player.SetVar("CourseID", courseId);

var courseIDFromVariable = player.GetVar("CourseID");

alert("Course ID: " + courseId);
alert("Course ID from variable: " + courseIDFromVariable);

Using the above code, I was able to successfully capture the courseId from the URL. However, I encountered another issue when trying to set the articulate variable, which is that it is always returning null, even when I use a hardcoded value like this.
player.SetVar("CourseID", 15);
player.GetVar("CourseID"); this always returned a null value.

This is where I am currently stuck. I don't even know if this is the right way. I would like to know if I am able to fix the setting variable, Can I only set this value to custom xApi statements, not to the in-built xApi statements? Sorry for any confusion; I am very new to the articulate. Any help would be much appreciated.

Dilshan Samaraweera

Omg, Thank you so much for your help. I didn't know I had to manually add variables through articulate. I thought the SetVar() method would create a new variable for me. Adding the variable to my project resolved the null value issue.
Also, do you know how I can set this variable for in-built xApi statements? I know we can set variables for custom xApi statements. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you again.

Jürgen Schoenemeyer
Dilshan Samaraweera


Thanks for taking your time to help me with this. As for the tutorials you suggested, yes, I reviewed all of them and was able to send a custom xApi statement by setting my custom variable, which I got from the URL.

set variable to custom xapi

Also, this custom xApi statement was stored in LRS without any issues.



As you can see, the value of my variable is stored as "CourseID_112996" in the Interacted xApi Statement. My concern is how I can set this variable to Articulated-generated xApi statements. For example, both "Jimmy experienced Intro" and "Jimmy attempted MathGame" are created within the articulate tool. Not by me. Basically, I am creating a course in an LMS. Articulate content is only a part of that course. Therefore, I like to store my course ID in xApi statements when users interact with the course. As for the custom Xapi statements, I am able to store my course ID like your tutorials suggested. But I also want to set courseId to in-built xApi statements as well, so I can query the user progress with courseId. That's what I am trying to achieve. With your help, I was able to add custom variables to my custom xApi statements. But my main concern is how I can set my variable to xApi statements created with articulate.