Player trigger vanished; no way to add it back

Oct 28, 2013

For some reason, the "next" player trigger on a couple of my slides has vanished when I added hotspot triggers.  Here is a screenshot showing that is is gone, and also showing my settings so that you can see that the "next" is checked. I see no way to add it back. Help! This lesson is supposed to go live tomorrow!

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Susan,

Are you unable to create a new trigger with the Jump to slide -> when the user clicks -> the next button? I know sometimes when I work fast, I may change the trigger in the panel to an object I didn't mean too - and then I can just go and delete it and add the new trigger use the blank paper icon. 

If you're able to share the .story file here it may be easier to diagnose. If you'd prefer to share privately, you're also welcome to send it here. 

Peggy Jones

I know this is an old post as I was searching for help this is one post I stumbled on that I did not find helpful. I discovered copying and pasting a lone slide from one presentation to another did not include the player triggers when pasting.  I did figure out on my own to update the player triggers in the Story View mode in the Slide Properties (on the right) screen by adding/editing slide navigation and gestures. I clicked the Prev and Next checkmarks in Buttons and Swipe.

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