Prevent Learner to Jumping into specific Scene

Aug 08, 2022

Hello, I have created a project with 5 different scenes. It consists of four different topics and a Mini Quiz. The user can select any random topic to learn however, I want to prevent them from advancing to the Mini Quiz until all other topics (Scenes) have been completed. 

Essentially, I was hoping if they try to click the icon an alert will come up. 

Can this be done? 

Please see a screenshot from my topic screen.

2 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann

Yes. It can be done. 

Here's a blog post with tutorial that features the general instruction. You need a variable to track completion of the module. Then when all are completed you can allow movement to a different one.

  • Create a T/F variable for each module that gets changed when it's completed.
  • Create a button/icon that triggers to the final module.
  • Disable that button until the condition is met: all of the modules are completed
  • If you want an alert, create a trigger to show the alert when the button is clicked on the condition that at least one of the other modules is not complete