Problem using Java Script

Jun 12, 2018

Hi awesome community!

I'm new to this forum, yet have some experience using Storyline 360.

My problem is this:

I'm setting up a slide in a course which is supposed to trigger a JavaScript, to trigger a prefab email being set up for the user. I downloaded a template off the forum, modified it, and it works like a charm. 

When I copy the slide and recreate the variables in the story I want to incorporate it in, it simply doesn't work. I have tried visualizing the variables (%Variable%), to see that they change as they should, and they do.

I checked both publish settings are identical.

All in all: It's exactly the same thing, same variables, same slide, same script, same triggers, yet one works, and the other doesn't.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? :-)

This is my script:
var player = GetPlayer();
var email=player.GetVar("email");
var subject="Feedback";
var body_start=player.GetVar("notes");
var mailto_link='mailto:'+email+'?subject='+subject+'&body='+escape(body_start);,'emailWin');
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