Problema para importar PPT

Mar 14, 2024

Boa tarde,

Não estou conseguindo importar PPT para o Storyline. Aparece a mensagem abaixo.

Conseguem me ajudar? 


4 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Sometimes I have received that message. The cause was that I have Windows File Explorer set to show a preview of the files. When I chose a file to import, if I clicked import before the preview had finished opening the file for a preview, it has locked the file. Windows will not open a file in two places at once (preview and Storyline). I had to wait for the preview to finish with the file before I clicked import, or turn off preview.

Of course, there can be many other reasons, but that is one.  Did you click to find out more (haz clic para aprender mas)?

Eric Santos


Thanks for reaching out, and I'd love to help as well! This error message is usually caused by the items in the article below. Please consider the suggested troubleshooting steps for each.

If the issue persists, could I have you connect with us in a case so we can determine what's happening? We'll reach out soon after we hear from you.