Publishing to Word: Quiz Typo Grammar Error ("points" vs "point")

Jun 20, 2013

I built a course in SL with 10 questions each worth 1 point. When the user gets to the Results slide the message reads "You got %Score.Points% of 10 answers correct." This works fine and dandy. 

The problem becomes apparent when publishing the course for Word. Each Question slide lists that questions value as "1 points". How can I get the Word document to list the value as "1 point" instead? 

3 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi there Randall!

Nice catch! Have to say, I haven't created a course where the points assigned were only "1", so I hadn't seen this before.

I just tried this out on my end and I am seeing the same thing. Looks like you can delete the "s" from "Points" quite easily in Word, if this is something you'd like to remove. 

I'm still looking around to see if I can find some additional information on this, or if there have been any other reports on the issue. Right now, it doesn't look like something that can be modified in Storyline, it would need to be edited in Word. 


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