Quiz question does not advance

Feb 25, 2021

I have created a test with some freeform questions. The 8th or 9th question of the 10 question quiz get stuck. I have rearranged the order, deleted the freeform, rewritten the quiz. I have tried all the suggestions in the Heroes site but nothing is working. This morning I received a few emails with similar issues on a course that has been working fine for 2 weeks.

I read that this was a problem a few years ago and it appears it has returned.

1 Reply
Becca Levan

Hello Dana, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ⭐️

Wow! Sounds like you’ve completed many troubleshooting steps already. Thank you for sharing that with us!

It’s hard to nail down what might be stopping the question slides from advancing without seeing the .story file. Are you comfortable with sharing it publicly here so we can do some testing?  Or if you’d rather share it privately, you can upload it here, and I’ll delete it once I’m done!