Randomizing in Storyline...

Oct 28, 2015

I am currently developing training for cosmetology for a state licensing board. One of the requirements is for the training topics to be randomized when a student takes the course. (This will also include a corresponding quiz that pertains to the topic)


So it should be something like this....


Student 1-Hair Coloring, State Laws, and Sanitation.

Student 2- State Laws, Hair Coloring, and Sanitation

Student 3- Sanitation, State Laws, and Hair Coloring


Is there a way in storyline to randomize which section comes first for a student?

2 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Joshua -- As Michael mentioned potentially using JavaScript to achieve what you are hoping to accomplish, I just thought I would share our JS Best Practices sheet so you have it handy. I thought I should also mention that we would not be able to provide support for modifications to your published output, but we have a lot of JS gurus in the community who could certainly assist! 

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