Reader must read all on the screen before the "Next" button appears or is useable

Nov 29, 2018

Hi Guys,

I need some help please,

i would like my reader to have read all information on the screen before the option to move on appears. In other words I would like all the writing on the slide to have appeared before the "Next" button is available to press, is this possible?

any help is appreciated



1 Reply
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Tracy.  I'm sure we can find a solution that works for you!  How does the text appear?  Is it triggered by something the learner does, or is it controlled by the timeline?

You can set a trigger to change the state of the Next button to disabled when the timeline starts, and depending on your answers to the above, we'll talk about what kind of trigger to use when you're ready for the Next button to function.

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