Resultpage in masterpages

Feb 09, 2022

I want to create a masterslide for the resultpages. I can add those from other templates but I can't get it to work from my own template. I need to have this because we are working with a few developers from one template.

I can't figure out how elements are displayed and where storyline gets all information. For example: using the build in resultpage option it creates feedback slides even when these are not in my master at that moment.


Hopefully somebody knows how to create a custom resultpage.

1 Reply
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Eric, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ✨

When you add a Results slide, the layout will come from your Master, but the features (such as the Success/Failure layers) will be the default ones, and you would need to delete them manually. 

One alternative is to save your custom Results slide (without the feedback layers, for example) as a template, and re-use it on your other projects:

Let me know if this works!