Sending a variable to a project from outside

Apr 22, 2020

Is there any way to transmit a value to a variable from outside the project itself? What I have in mind is being able to give someone a link to a project that contains a value that gets passed to a variable in the project. Specifically, I'd like to be able to create a link that automatically takes the user to s specific scene once the project loads. Another way to say this: I want to deep link to something inside a project from the outside world.

2 Replies
Mark Traphagen

After a lot of digging around I found someone created a super simple method to do exactly what I want. It involves Javascript which I don't do, but his method was simple for me to follow, just copying his simple script and embedding on the Master slide as he shows. I just changed the passed parameter to "scene" instead of "slide" and called the Variable "JumpToScene" instead of "JumpToSlide." Worked like a charm!

Here's the tutorial:

Mark Traphagen

UPDATE: Unfortunately I spoke too soon. It didn't work. I had forgotten that the last time I published from the story I had published just the scene (to test something) so the link I copied was to that scene anyway. When I tried to do Bibby's Javascript hack with the whole story published, it didn't work. It's not picking up the variable number from the query string in the URL. I've left a comment on his post and will update here if he responds. I notice that when he wrote the post he was using Storyline 3 not 360, so that's probably the problem.

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