Sending links

Sep 02, 2015

Hi, just getting used to using AS and have a question I'm hoping someone can help me with.  I would like others to access my recently created course on my website.  How can I provide a link or embed code on my site to launch the elearning content?   I do not subscribe to Articulate Online.

Thanks, Gary

10 Replies
Gary Griffin

Hi again Ashley,

Sorry I`m being a little dumb on this one!  I have uploaded the entire published folder to Dropbox.  I have then attempted to share a link from the story.html5 file - I assume this is what you mean when you say "point to the story_html file?".  When the link is opened it appears to navigate back to my Dropbox desktop (rather than playing). Clearly there is an action I am missing.  Any suggestions?


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