set sub-objectives and results to LMS

Nov 17, 2020


I need help for courses.

One of them contains 4 randomized quizzes.

When I run it on the LMS, the scorm returns one objective with global results (score, status...). It's ok.

But I need to get the results for each randomised quizz. Actually, each randomized quizz is like a course's sub-objective.

The goal I want to reach in the LMS display :


The LMS' editor tells me I need to set cmi.objectives for each sub-objective with JS. I know JS a little but I don't understand how I can do it.

I think that I can set a score variable for each randomized quiz : score1, score2, score3 and score4. I have the global score from Storyline.

I need to create 4 cmi.objectives like cmi.objectives.0.1,  cmi.objectives.0.2, cmi.objectives.0.3 and cmi.objectives.0.4.

Finally, I have to set cmi.objectives.0.1.score.raw with score1, cmi.objectives.0.2.score.raw with score2.

But I can't write the right JS script. 

Someone here can help me  ?

4 Replies
Russell Killips

Hi Marco,

I haven't directly modified a manifest file before.

I don't know why you can't write more than

I tested out my objectives.story sample. It still works for me in both the SCORM Cloud and in the LMS that we use.

Here is part of the SCORM Cloud log file showing the objectives getting set.

Log File