Shape twinning with Storyline | créer un morphing d'objet sous Storyline

Dec 21, 2023


Do you know if it's possible to do a simple morph in Storyline, starting from a rectangle for example, and ending up with a tilted rectangle?

It was easy to do with Flash, without any programming:

I see Adobe Animate does it too:


Does Storyline allow this ?

I've seen that it's possible and simplified for movements.
But for Storyline, I can only find this post from 3 years ago:

Has anything been done since then?


Thank you




Savez-vous s'il est possible de faire un morphing simple, sous Storyline, pour partir d'un rectangle par exemple, et arriver au rectangle incliné ?

C'était simple à faire avec Flash, sans nécessiter de programmer :

Je vois qu'Animate le fait aussi :


Est-ce que Storyline le permet ?

J'ai vu que pour les mouvements, c'est possible et simplifié.
Mais pour Storyline, je ne trouve que ce post qui date d'il y a 3 ans :

Y'a-t-il eu des avancées depuis ?




5 Replies
Steven Benassi


Glad to see Judy has been helping you out!

I just wanted to pop in and share that our development team is tracking a feature request for Morph Transition in Storyline 360! I've linked this discussion to the feature report so you can be notified as soon as we have updates to share.

Have a great start to your week!