Show a date X number of days before today's date on Storyline - is this possible?

Aug 29, 2023

I have figured out how to pull today's date using Javascript. However, I want to generate a date that is X amount of days before today's date. For example, today shows as 30/08/2023. I want to show 01/08/2023 on the same slide.

The javascript I have used to show todays date is:

let currentTime = new Date();

let month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1;

let day = currentTime.getDate(); let year = currentTime.getFullYear();

// Putting it together let dateString = day + "/" + month+ "/" + year;

//Pushing data to Storyline let player = GetPlayer(); player.SetVar("todaysDate", dateString);

4 Replies
Randy Walker
/* Create new variable to hold date */

var d = new Date();

/* For example: write today's date in specified locale's format 29/08/2023 */

document.write('Today is: ' + d.toLocaleDateString("en-GB"));

/* Set our variable to the date of 5 days ago. We can do the math right here! You could use a variable here if it's something you want to change */

d.setDate(d.getDate() - 5);

/* Example: write out 5 days ago in specified locale's format 08/24/2023 */

document.write('<br>5 days ago was: ' + d.toLocaleDateString("en-US"));
Tina Glynn

I'm also looking for Javascript to show 15 days prior to today's date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY, but everything I've tried so far in the wrong format or shows a negative number for the date. The previous reply shows it in a document, but I need to use it as a variable in Storyline.  I'm new to Javascript, so I'm not sure what changes need to be made.

Jordan Best

Hi Tina, you can try this code:

var currentDate = new Date();

var fifteenDaysAgo = new Date(currentDate);
fifteenDaysAgo.setDate(currentDate.getDate() - 15);

// Format the date
var formattedDate = (fifteenDaysAgo.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + fifteenDaysAgo.getDate() + '/' + fifteenDaysAgo.getFullYear();

var player = GetPlayer();
player.SetVar("YourVariableName", formattedDate);

// you'll need a text variable titled "YourVariableName" in SL