Show a layer from another slide?

Jun 09, 2018

I'm hoping the community can save me a few hours of tedious work.

I'm making a sidebar menu that will show a layer with resources and a layer with contact information.  I have it setup and working fine, but it needs to show on 58 already completed slides.

Is there a way to "show layer" from a different slide when a user clicks a button, but still stay on the slide they are on? I shared a 2-slide sample of what I'm trying to do - the layers are on the second slide.  Trying to see how I can re-use those layers on the first slide.

Or, perhaps you know a better way to accomplish this?

3 Replies
Walt Hamilton

I absolutely cannot imagine an easier way to do this than to make each layer a separate slide, and have each trigger lightbox the appropriate slide. If you want you can leave them on the splash slide as layers.

If for some strange reason you need more work, add a trigger to each icon that sets LayerToShow variable, and another to lightbox the slide with the layers. On that slide create a trigger to show layer resources when timeline starts (slide must be set to have very short timeline, and reset to initial state on revisit) if LayerToShow is = "Resources", and another equivalent one to show contacts. Set both layers to hide other layers, and you shouldn't have to close them manually.

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