Show Layer When Variable Count Reaches Target Number

Sep 28, 2022

Hello heroes! 

I'm working on a slide where I would like the learner to enter numerical values into three fields on the base layer. Depending on the answers, the slide will:

  • Go to the "great job!" layer and then they can move to the next slide if all answers are correct within the first two tries.
  • Go to the "try again" layer upon the first two incorrect attempts. 
  • Go to the "show answers" layer when submitting for the third try.

Everything seems to be working except for the trigger that activates the "show answers" layer. 

I have a %visitedtryagain% variable that counts the number of times the learner accesses the "try again" layer, and that count seems to work correctly. I have a trigger that sends you to the "show answers" layer once the user clicks submit and %visitedtryagain% reaches 2. That trigger does not seem to work correctly and it cycles back through the "try again" layer.

Any ideas on what I should change so that the "show answers" layer does in fact show when the user tries for the third time? 

I appreciate any and all advice...thank you so much for taking the time to check out the attached slide. Also, I am a very new user so your support is extremely helpful! :)

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

Instead of using a separate "show answers" layer, you could put that info on the Try Again layer and only have it appear after the designated number of attempts. 

This post has a demo and instructions for how to do that: 

Heather Virtue

Thank you so much Judy! In hindsight, I should have created a quiz question for the fill in the blanks rather than use data input boxes (like you did in your example). What ended up working was changing the <,  > signs in my base layer triggers so that it registered when it SHOULDN'T be showing as well. Thanks again for responding to my post, the help is so valuable!!