SL2 How to disable flash playback?

Jan 23, 2015

I have a requirement to deliver an HTML5 only course to a client.  Is there a clean way to remove the swf and launch the HTML5?


4 Replies
Emily Ruby

Hello Sam!

Here’s how Storyline determines which version of your content to display when learners view it:

  • Learners will see the Flash version of your content if their browser supports it.
  • If they're using an iPad and if you chose the Articulate Mobile Player option when you published, they'll see a launch page that allows them to view the course in the iPad app. (And if they don't have the app installed on their iPad yet, they'll see an option to install it.)
  • If they're using an iPad and you didn't choose the Articulate Mobile Player option when you published, but you did choose HTML5, they'll see the HTML5 output in mobile Safari.
  • If they're using some other non-Flash compatible browser and you marked the HTML5 option, they'll see the HTML5 output. (For a list of supported browsers, click here)

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