Storyline 2 Assessment Questions Not Populating Properly in LMS Analytics

Aug 29, 2017

We are trying evaluate our training's effectiveness with assessments built in Storyline 2. The assessments contain 1-5 multiple choice/select all that apply questions which could be anything from "What did you learn?" to "How can you apply the learning?" etc... 

The issue we're seeing is related to the output of the analytics report from our LMS. What happens is instead of the question showing "What did you learn", it shows two or more different things per slide like this:




What we would like to see is the question text populate... Or at least understand why there are more than one pieces of information per slide when the question is the same. I've investigated with our LMS's (Saba) support team, but it seems to be more from Articulate's side.

  • Any ideas why it's registering two different pieces of info?
  • Also, any idea why it isn't registering the question text itself?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!



7 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Christian,

What SCORM option are you publishing for? SCORM 1.2 does not report the question text to an LMS, you would want to use SCORM 2004 or Tin Can API.

Also, the quiz data that Storyline sends is here. It's up to the LMS to parse that - could the example you're showing be two attempts at the question? 

Christian Taylor

Hi Ashley, we were publishing to SCORM 1.2. Per your suggestion, I published to SCORM 2004 (4th edition) and was able to get it to work, thank you! However, it seems like upon fixing the question text issue, another issue popped up...

When publishing to SCORM 2004, we are unable to select a minimum passing score in the LMS wheras when publishing to SCORM 1.2, we are able to select a minimum passing score in the LMS. In Storyline, I've set the results slide to track a minimum score of 80%, yet upon testing in the LMS, the course/class registers as completed successfully even if it was not completed successfully!

What we would like to see is if the learner completes the class but does not get 80% or above, the course remains "In Progress" until it is actually passed...

Is there any way to publish to SCORM 2004 and still enforce passing score?

Thank you.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Christian,

The "In progress" status is LMS specific - so you may want to check with them on how it's handled.

Storyline considers a course completed once they users reaches the completion point - either number of slides viewed or the results slide.  Are you seeing the Completion and Success status? What did you choose as your publish options for LMS reporting? 

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