storyline 2 et sharepoint

Jan 09, 2017


J'aimerai savoir si je peux déposer dans un SharePoint 365 un cours et le partager avec d'autres étudiants, si oui comment


merci et très bonne journée




2 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hello Irene!

You should be able to host Articulate content in SharePoint Server. However, it won't work with SharePoint Online (the Microsoft Office 365 Hosted Edition), since it doesn't support HTML files.

If you do have access to SharePoint Server, check with your SharePoint administrator for instructions on how to upload HTML content. Depending on your version of SharePoint, you may need to switch to an "explorer view" before uploading content, or you may need to "check in" content after uploading. Your administrator will know for sure.

If you need to track learners' progress and results, publish your Articulate content for LMS (SCORM) and use SharePoint's free Learning Kit:

I invite other members of our community to share their experiences with using SharePoint, as well!

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