Storyline 360 Course Timing Out

Aug 30, 2019

Hello!  I hope I have put this in the right place.  I have created a course that by regulation must be at least 1 hour long.  We use Cornerstone on Demand as our LMS.  After the course reaches about 53 minutes (with interaction throughout, so there is no "inactive" time), it times out.  CSOD says it a publication setting in Storyline.  Can anyone provide any insight/help?

Thanks in advance.


5 Replies
Gerry Wasiluk

Storyline has a keepalive function that, during times of learner inactivity, still fires out a post to the LMS every 10 minutes.

For more on that, including some tips (like using debug to monitor things) see this:

So, in theory, the course could go on forever in the LMS.  I'm not recalling right now any timing out function in Storyline itself.

When the course times out in CSOD, what do you see exactly?  Can you share a screenprint?

If you can, try the course in the SCORM Cloud and see if it times out there at about 53 minutes.  If it doesn't, I'd possibly start looking at the LMS as the cause of the issue.

Stephen Houck

Hi, Gerry

Thanks for your response and thoughts on this issue. Here is a screenshot of what I get. The message is clear enough to the user, but since it appears in a window that is (at least) partially covered by the course content it is not apparent to the user. Then the user can continue up to the final assessment before coming to a hard stop as they are no longer communicating with the server. I am about to test in SCORMcloud.



Gerry Wasiluk

Hey, Steve!  Can you try reattaching the screenprint?  When I click on it, it fires off as a mailto: and it launches my email client.

My main client uses CSOD and I've got one of my SCORM 2004 3rd Edition courses playing there now.  I'm leaving the course open on the same page. 

So far it's only been 16 minutes and I've seen the keepalive function fire off a couple of times. (I'm using HTTPWatch to monitor things under the hood.)

Let's see what happens at around 53 minutes.  (I'll be in an WebEx meeting then but I'll report after that meeting is done).

Gerry Wasiluk

Actually, I was wrong.  The keepalive is not broken, at least from what I tested (SCORM 2004, 3rd edition and AICC).  For both standards, the Articulate content posted every minute to the LMS.

In edition, with every slide change for the SCORM course, the resume data was also posted.

It's been a while since I looked at keepalives (being the one who first asked for it way back with Presenter) and there was one change.  Instead of every 10 minutes by default, it's now every minute.  I missed that change.

So, from the Storyline side, if all is set up correctly, the course itself should not be timing out.  Seems more like an LMS issue now.

Steve--by chance have you reviewed this thread?

One thing on Storyline that might possibly cause a timeout issue:  make sure the "Launch player in new window" is always de-selected.  Selecting it could cause issues in some LMS's.


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