storyline 360- publish to video thumbnail not saving as first slide of scene

May 30, 2024


Having an issue, assuming I am missing something small in some type of setting on the player options. My published video is coming across as a black screen instead of the cover photo options I selected in storyline 360.


Any ideas on what I am missing?

1 Reply
Kelly Auner

Hi Training Team,

This is expected behavior. The cover photo is part of the Player, and the Player does not get included when a course is published to video.

If you'd like the cover photo to appear, you can publish to another output or do the following:

  1. Publish your Storyline 360 course to video
  2. Edit the published video in Replay 360 and add the desired image at the start
  3. Publish the Replay 360 project

I hope this helps!