Storyline 360 will not execute Javascript

Sep 21, 2022

Storyline 360 is not running the trigger for Execute JavaScript that is tied to a button. (Execute JavaScript when the user Clicks Btn_Print) The code is code that ran in another media piece when compiled in March 2022 in another media piece. Even if I replace the code with something simple like


Storyline 360 does not execute the JavaScript when the button is selected in Review 360 or published to web. I have tested it in multiple browsers and ensured that JavaScript is allowed. I have removed Storyline 360 from my computer and reinstalled it. I have also tried rolling back to a previous version without success. Any other ideas would be welcome.... 

2 Replies
Stacy Springer

Still tracking the issue with Firefox developer tools: Here are the errors when the button is pressed:

actionator::exeJavaScript - this.execUserJs is not a function bootstrapper.min.js:2:149273

Referrer Policy: Ignoring the less restricted referrer policy “no-referrer-when-downgrade” for the cross-site request: 840.39dbb679ee07e8aa.js:1:37488

Stacy Springer

This issue has been resolved! If you have problems with your JavaScript, here are the troubleshooting steps that helped me (compiled from things found on the web):

1. Take the JavaScript and button and copy them into a blank Storyline file. Publish and test. In my case, the button worked.

2. Look at any JavaScript in the Storyline file that may have errors.

3. Use the Web Dev tools in your browser to identify errors.

4. Check your Slide Masters for any issues.

5. Don't edit your code in Microsoft Word. There is a difference in quotation marks that can cause an issue.

6. Check that your browser is not blocking JavaScript.

7. Change your JavaScript file to show just one command such as print.window();

8. Don't be afraid to ask for help, another set of eyes is really helpful!

My problem was that I had a hidden slide out there where I was working through sliders and dials, specifically retrieving and setting the variables. The issue was there. Once I deleted that slide, my JavaScript button started working. Hopefully, this helps others.