Storyline Glossary

Aug 13, 2012

Hi all,

I don't like the glossary that we can insert in Storyline : the texts are too small and the presentation is not fun.

Do you know if it is possible to insert an Engage Glossary as we can do with Presenter ?

I tried to insert a link at the topbar left (I personnalize the player to do so), and it works. But, to do that, I had to create a new slide including my Engage glossary. The link opens the glossary, it's ok, but how can I do to go back at the exact slide where my learner was before clicking on the link ?

I'm not sure to be clear (excuse my english). So do not hesitate to ask me questions

Thanks for your help !

18 Replies
Gerry Wasiluk

Beatrice Lhuillier said:

I tried to insert a link at the topbar left (I personnalize the player to do so), and it works. But, to do that, I had to create a new slide including my Engage glossary. The link opens the glossary, it's ok, but how can I do to go back at the exact slide where my learner was before clicking on the link ?


For your imported Engage glossary on a slide, have it appear in a lightbox instead of jumping to a slide.  That way, when the lightbox slide is closed, the learner is back where they were before clicking the glossary link.

Lynne Teale

Hi Gerry,

Will this work in the Mobile Player.  I love the engage glossary and also prefer it to the one in Storyline.  i would like it to pop up as a lightbox so that they can look at the word while in the screen and then have it disappear, but if I import the engage glossary I didnt think it would work in HTML5 or Mobile player.  I'm currently converting my original studio modules to storyline, so have the engage glossaries already done.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Harry and Holly,

Definitely join Becky in submitting a feature request, our development team uses those to prioritize new features and updates. In the meantime, you could use something like Andrew shared in this example with a lightbox. Not as streamlined as the built in glossary, but a nice alternative. 

Nancy Woinoski

Lynne Teale said:

Hi Gerry,

Will this work in the Mobile Player.  I love the engage glossary and also prefer it to the one in Storyline.  i would like it to pop up as a lightbox so that they can look at the word while in the screen and then have it disappear, but if I import the engage glossary I didnt think it would work in HTML5 or Mobile player.  I'm currently converting my original studio modules to storyline, so have the engage glossaries already done.

Hi Lynne, you are correct that this will not work in html5 or the mobile player because they not support flash. The new version of Engage does support html5 and the mobile player but you can't import into Storyline yet.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Garry,

I don't have an update on the Storyline update that would allow Studio 13 files to be imported into Storyline. I have heard users publishing an Engage interaction as a web object, and then linking that into your Storyline file. As soon as we have information on an update, we'll post here to let you know. 

When publishing an Engage interaction if you open up the published folder, there will be an interaction_content folder, a meta.xml file containing project info, an interaction.swf file, and a file called interaction.html (which is the file that launches your interaction). If you've opted to include HTML5 output and/or make your interaction viewable in the Articulate Mobile Player, there will also be some additional files to support these options. It does not publish a single swf file. 

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