Storyline: Is there a way to add pagination

Jul 30, 2014


In a storyline course, what is the best way to let the learner know where they are within a section? How many screens/minutes to go.

Thank you,


3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Liz and welcome to Heroes!

There isn't a method to add page numbers to the course, unless you chose to insert a text box with the numbers. There are a few other ways in which you could help your users know where they are throughout the course.

Hope that those help get you started - and if you'd like to see page numbering as a new feature in a Storyline please feel free to share your thoughts here with our product development team.

Liz Katz

Thank you Ashley,

It looks like variables are what I should explore. Menus aren't what I'm after since I don't want to take the the screen realestate necessary to have a list with every page. The Progress bars at the link you have are actually for loading pages. Variables are promising. It may even be possible to program the type of progess bar I'm thinking of.



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