Storyline quizzes report

Apr 03, 2024

I created 20 MC quizzes on Storyline and uploaded the Scorm file on our LMS. 

When I export the completion report from our LMS, I want to see the users' login, quizzes/tests they have completed, pass/fail and number of attempts. Will storyline allow me this? So far I don't see this data in the report!

18 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hello Hosam,

Happy to help!

Here are all of the quiz data that gets sent by Storyline 360 to an LMS:

These don't include the names of the quizzes that they completed and the number of attempts, but you can send this information manually to your LMS using the methods outlined here: 

You'll need to store the names of your quizzes and the number of attempts your learner has taken in project variables and then send these values ideally at the end of your course or quiz.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Hosam Darwish

Hi Jose,

Thank you for your reply. Still, I am unable to identify what wrong is in my project. My exported all my questions from Excel NOT created them one by one. It seems I am missing something but can't get what it is. Please see my attached photos to get a better understanding of my project. I want to get more support by having a tutorial video or live chat if that's possible.

Phil Mayor

It will, there are three ways of marking the course complete

Slides viewed: When the total is reached, the course is marked complete no question-level data sent

Results slide: once the pass mark is reached, the course is marked complete, question level data is sent, however dep[endednt on the LMS to report

Complete trigger: The course is marked complete when the trigger fires; no question-level data is sent.

The first one that meets the criteria is how the course is marked completed. 

Phil Mayor

If they are assigned to one results slide then the LMS sees them as one quiz. Attempts in an LMS are attempts for the scorm not the quiz. But it will show attempts on questions if you retry, the number in the brackets will increment.

If you want separate reports then you will need to split the content up in the LMS