Storyline Slide Order

Jun 02, 2020

Hello team - In my module i see the slides in order when i view the story however when i preview it the slide 1.1 is seen to be placed at the bottom of the list any idea why ?

1 Reply
Walt Hamilton

The order of slides is determined only by the triggers that jump from one slide to the other. if the slides show in the wrong order during preview, you need to change the triggers.

You should know that navigation and story view are not always necessarily the same, but it is easy to renumber your slides so the numbers match the linear progression. Or you can set them to any numeric progression you want. Here's how:

Set your triggers to jump to specific slides, rather than next slide. Then in story line, drag one slide under another so the little blue arrow shows. When you release it, the triggers will cause it to go back to its place, but its number will change to the next number after the previous slide.

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