Submit button with feedback and Character change

Nov 08, 2012


I'm still new to articulate. I am very much enjoying the community and the development platform so far.

I am working on a learning resource for grades 5-6 kids.

I have a list of True False series of questions that I would like more interesting. 

I desire to have  the character' s expression or pose change (positive or negatively) after the user clicks the submit button, while the feedback dialogue is up.

As I write this I think I will need also ask:

- can the location of where the feedback dialogue changes on the screen.

- Is there a way to have a  trigger for submission on the True and False buttons themselves instead of using the Submit button? - and still track the results, of course



3 Replies
Alexandros Anoyatis

Hello Trevor.

To answer your first question regarding character expressions : Depending on your scenario, you should modify the Correct/Incorrect/Try Again (if applicable) layers, either in the individual question slides, or using the Feedback Master layout(s) and Slide Master layout. To can do this using states for the characters involved (for example normal/correct/incorrect) and then use a trigger to change the state of that character when timeline starts on the slide layer.

Can the location of where the feedback dialogue changes on the screen.

For this you will have to create some new layouts on your feedback master and then apply those layouts to the feedback layers of your question slides.

Is there a way to have a  trigger for submission on the True and False buttons themselves instead of using the Submit button? - and still track the results, of course.

I usually don't like the extra click as well. I usually do this by means of a freeform interaction. In your case, since you are talking about a true/false question, I would do the following :

1) On a completely empty slide create a text box (your question) and two buttons and right-click to select "edit text" (True/False).

2) Click Insert-->Convert to freeform (Pick One), set your answers (the buttons), adjust your correct answer and limit attempts to one.
3) Edit the automatically generated trigger "Submit interaction Pick One......" and modify the when and the object to the following :
When --> State
Of ---> Any Of
Button 1
Button 2
is Selected

That should do it.

Let me know how it all went,

Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Trevor and Alexandros,

Couple thoughts:

Trigger for submission on the True and False buttons

You can actually use the "default" T/F questions slides. You just need to go in and change the triggers:

So you'd change the Submit Interaction in this way. The part I've bolded is the change.

Action: Submit Interaction

Interaction: True/False

When: User Clicks

Object: Button 1 True

And, you can copy/paste that trigger but change the Object:

Action: Submit Interaction

Interaction: True/False

When: User Clicks

Object: Button 1 False

Character Expression

Also, not sure what you mean, Trevor by "changing the character's expression." If you just want the expression to be different for a correct vs. an incorrect answer, you can simply change the expression and pose of the character when you insert it on the layer.That way you don't need any triggers.

As Alexandros indicated, if this will always be the same, you can insert the character on the Incorrect and Correct Feedback Layers. So, for example, you could insert a character with a thumbs up and a smile on the correct layer; insert the same character with a thumbs down and a frown on the incorrect layer

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