Submit "Certain" Quiz Results Trigger

Feb 02, 2015

Hi there! I have a single SCORM file with 3 quizzes. The learner will select one branch and take the corresponding quiz. My goal is to have only the results of the quiz taken reported to the LMS. I realize there have been discussions on trying to accomplish this, and it's either complicated or not possible. The thing is, we do want the score [%] recorded, not just a pass or fail. I didn't see any discussion on using triggers. I added triggers the 4th results slide. I thought it would work, but it doesn't and I'd like to understand why.

I created a fourth results slide. I didn't want it to aggregate the results of the three quizzes, because even if they passes one of the quizzes at 100%, they would only get 33.33%.  So, I added triggers to the fourth slide, hoping that the fourth results slide would submit only the results of the quiz that was taken as long as the learner passes it 100% (2 out of 2 points). It's not recording complete nor the score on our LMS though. I am not sure if it's just our archaic LMS or something about the triggers.

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